Est. 2019
Red Sweater Press
Publishing books people actually want to read
In Alaska, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to publish a quality book of poetry, much less a book that isn’t about Alaska. What we do have is a growing group of creative writers whose talents need to be recognized, not simply because we’re from Alaska, but because our work can stand on its own.
Red Sweater Press aims to publish books of poetry, fiction and nonfiction written by Alaskans that deserve to be seen on the shelf beside your favorites at the local bookstore.
P.O. Box 870414
Wasilla, AK 99687
Tell me more!
What we want
Currently, Red Sweater Press (RSP) is looking to publish full-length collections of poetry and short fiction, with the goal of producing novellas and memoirs in the future. Free verse poems that detail the depth of human emotion, experience, and expression appeal to us in a big way, and we love literary fiction, slow-burn thrillers, and speculative stories featuring well-developed characters. In general, we are not looking for “Alaskana” or strongly religious works (i.e. anything that comes off as “preachy”), but references to Alaska or religion/spirituality are fair game. Also, if Rupi Kaur is your favorite poet, RSP is probably not a great home for your book.
Click the button below for more information about RSP.
What we can give you
Need a developmental or copy edit? Already paid for those services and just need a cover or publisher? Just want to chat about your book and get some career advice? Red Sweater Press can help you out.
Whatever you pitch us for publication, show us that you love it and can see it stamped with the RSP brand, and we’ll be happy to give it a good read through before making a decision.
Note: Alaska residents receive priority for all services, followed by non-resident authors with strong connections to Alaska. However, works need not be about Alaska or reference Alaska to be considered for publication (in fact, we’d rather they didn’t).